Приём фотографий

Вопросы, касающиеся фотографий, размещаемых на сайте.
Сообщения: 29
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2022, 03:20

Сообщение Block » 02 апр 2022, 02:47

I'm going to explain something that you already have me tired, photo moderators. This picture :


It is not accepted because there are two buses. Well, the photo is focused on one, not two, that is why I do not put that data. Also, so many people do not know how to put the data of both vehicles? I am a stupid member and I do not have access to the edition of vehicle data, so let the one who is there do it

Here :


You say that the text does not satisfy the photo. As I have already mentioned, it is my photo/work and I sign it as I please and if you do not like it, do not look at my photo. My signature is small and legible although it is not understandable by the language but the who wants to be able to find out not only the date, but also the place where it was taken to take other photos.

As I said elsewhere on the page, if someone steals my photos, will you be responsible for the damage it causes me? Will you pay me for that work done and stolen by people?

So for people to think, if you know. If it is a page where you can share photos of buses, hobbies, etc... and only four who are friends can do it, why do you make the page public and let other photographers enter?

If you know so much why you have the need to put links, for example mine, of other pages where I upload my photos if then they are horrible? It's wrong just as if they were stolen from me.

Сообщения: 1233
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2011, 17:56
Откуда: nowhere

Сообщение monochrome » 02 апр 2022, 04:26

В соответствии с Правилами сайта Вам необходимо привязывать сразу все автобусы, имеющиеся на фотографии. Делается это очень просто - второй автобус привязывается также, как и первый. Нужно просто ввести его госномер в то же самое поле.
Здесь Вам говорят не про текст на фото, а про подпись в поле "Место съёмки" на сайте. "VALENCIA, C/Almassora" - зачем капс-лок? "València, Calle Almazora", наверное, нужно указывать так. А подпись на самом изображении в данном случае никого не волнует.
and only four who are friends can do it
На сайте гораздо больше пользователей, чем четыре. И довольно невысокий порог качества. Просто нужно немного обработать фотографию перед загрузкой в фоторедакторе, вот и всё.

Sorry for answering in Russian. However, I think that in the modern age it is really easy to translate this text into any language of the world.

Сообщения: 60
Зарегистрирован: 19 дек 2010, 14:25
Откуда: Уфа

Сообщение Джесси » 02 апр 2022, 23:05

Правило изменилось по приему грязных автобусов ? Или в каких случаях разрешается грузить грязный автобус на сайт ? С условкой или без ? Или на сайте просто проскакивают такие фото через ПЗ у многих пользователей ?

Сообщения: 29
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2022, 03:20

Сообщение Block » 03 апр 2022, 02:57

monochrome пишет:
02 апр 2022, 04:26
В соответствии с Правилами сайта Вам необходимо привязывать сразу все автобусы, имеющиеся на фотографии. Делается это очень просто - второй автобус привязывается также, как и первый. Нужно просто ввести его госномер в то же самое поле.
Здесь Вам говорят не про текст на фото, а про подпись в поле "Место съёмки" на сайте. "VALENCIA, C/Almassora" - зачем капс-лок? "València, Calle Almazora", наверное, нужно указывать так. А подпись на самом изображении в данном случае никого не волнует.
and only four who are friends can do it
На сайте гораздо больше пользователей, чем четыре. И довольно невысокий порог качества. Просто нужно немного обработать фотографию перед загрузкой в фоторедакторе, вот и всё.

Sorry for answering in Russian. However, I think that in the modern age it is really easy to translate this text into any language of the world.
According to the rules, but if I don't see the license plate or more information, what do I do? In case someone analyzes that photo and considers that there are several buses, why don't they put the data?

If in the end a poor user like me, like someone else I imagine, wants to show only one bus, why does he have to say that there is another one when it is barely visible?

I'll explain it to you, I can put C/Almazora or Carrer/Calle Almazora, but I consider that putting C/ or AV, to cite an example, is cleaner and better. The important thing is that in Almazora anyone can take photos since there is movement there not if it says C/ or Calle. Also if I put CALLE it lengthens the name and makes it uglier and here what is important in the end is the vehicle, not a signature.

I do not know the total users that the page has, but what you see is that X, V or P are the ones who upload the photo yes or yes and the others give them. I accept that many of my photos will not be perfect and therefore they are not caught but many others the scale of judging it is very hard.In some cases, the vehicle is crooked. Of course, if it takes a curve and I take it, what do I do?

With the issue of processing photos I think you have a problem. What you ask for the most is weight size and not width by height and that makes me lose a lot of quality when I reduce the photo.

Perhaps if that were changed, the photos, at least mine, would be better. Also, if you manage the photos and the programs that edit the photos so well, I would appreciate not advice, but those programs so that I can keep up.

I don't know Russian so I'm going to be a translator because quite a few people know English.

Сообщения: 1233
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2011, 17:56
Откуда: nowhere

Сообщение monochrome » 03 апр 2022, 06:55

Джесси пишет:
02 апр 2022, 23:05
Правило изменилось по приему грязных автобусов ?
Не изменялись.

Сообщения: 60
Зарегистрирован: 19 дек 2010, 14:25
Откуда: Уфа

Сообщение Джесси » 03 апр 2022, 16:25

И поэтому сплошь и рядом загружаются грязные автобусы без условки ? А все потому, что у пользователей есть ПЗ, и это правило на них не распространяется))) Правила противоречат действительности, может тогда надо изменить данный пункт, раз он не соответствует ?

Сообщения: 29
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2022, 03:20

Сообщение Block » 03 апр 2022, 19:40

This photo that I put, I see the crooked photo. Nothing happens here and the photo is allowed to be like this and not me? So what fellowship are you creating?


So here we are not the same and you do not treat us all in the same way.

By the way, a greeting to the author of the photo that I have nothing against you or your photo is just to show how the administrators and moderators do their job "badly"

Сообщения: 1233
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2011, 17:56
Откуда: nowhere

Сообщение monochrome » 04 апр 2022, 04:05

A skyline on this photo is ok. It isn’t crooked.

You should work with your photos in photo editor instead of writing long texts at forum or finding mistakes at photos of other autors. Your photos really need to be edited. Upload photos on the site without edit — straightly from the camera — It’s really wrong way.

Сообщения: 29
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2022, 03:20

Сообщение Block » 05 апр 2022, 02:24


The photo of the partner that I have put is crooked like some other people and for the record that no less price the work of anyone.

I work with the material I have, camera plus program. If you or you are not satisfied, give me classes or do the work for me.

I write the text that I want and how I want, or does freedom no longer exist here? What will you do, like in the comments? Look at them one by one in case they talk about politics? It seems a bit of a dictatorship, and I don't approve of the fact that there is talk here of politics or the sad war that a colleague may affect.

My photos go from the camera to the editor, because I have to edit them or because of the size, because of the people and because of the signature, of which I am free not to put it but you, will you take responsibility if my photo is stolen?

If the colleagues who are here I steal their photos and use them without their consent, surely nobody would like it? Well, that's not why I sign them either. If you don't want me to sign them, you take charge of what happens to my created and creative material.

And if you don't like my small signature, I'm sorry but I'm going to continue signing them like this, it's a small signature and that's understandable, and whoever doesn't know the place, should ask, it won't go bankrupt.

By the way, when I'm reading enough comments from other users with discomfort, perhaps the administration should consider changes and not try to close accounts or shut people's mouths.

Сообщения: 62
Зарегистрирован: 14 сен 2015, 13:58
Откуда: Ядрин
Контактная информация:

Сообщение Andrey100 » 10 апр 2022, 11:31

Когда это издевательство закончится? Сначала просят повысить контраст и убрать шумы, а потом отклоняют! https://fotobus.msk.ru/photo-all/3163955/
